Oh Halloween...what fun you can be! Costumes, candy and a day full of excitement! I know that my classroom is looking forward to it! Before the fun day arrives Rachael from The Classroom Game Nook is hosting a fantastic halloween blog hop! There are over 40 amazing teachers participating. Hop through each blog to learn a trick we do in our classroom and get a fun treat to use with your kiddos!
Make sure to scroll all the way to get your goodie and click the link to go to the next blog!
This is one of my favorite tricks when it comes to making crafts with students. The one thing that always is a struggle for them is cutting out the eyes. Cutting in a circle doesn't come easy for them. It is either too small or in little pieces. So the easiest way to solve the problem is using hole punchers for the eyes! Between my teacher friends and myself we have circle hole punchers in all sizes! You can buy the whole punchers at Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
I quickly put together a face to show you how it would look.
Give it a try next time you need to cut eyes. You will fall in love with the hole punchers!
My students favorite station is the write the room station. I place visors, pointers, glasses and any other fun item I can find in there. The students grab a paper and a clipboard and go on a hunt to find their words around the room. Click on the Write the room picture to grab your Halloween treat! This pack is only free for this week...so hurry on over!
Before you hop on to the next blog make sure to enter the giveaway to win a State bingo game! It is a great game for all ages!